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CHEMCAD is designed to work for engineers and with engineers. Our proprietary solutions will allow your firm to work faster with more accurate results.




Technical Publications and Papers

A CHEMCAD Collaboration: Studying Best Practices for Closing the Loop on PET Recycling

Biodiesel Processes in CHEMCAD

Books You Should Own About Chemical Engineering

CHEMCAD is an OPC Server

CHEMCAD NXT: The Future of Process Optimization is Here

CHEMCAD Sizing Tools: Pipes, Pumps, Meters, and Valves

Chemical Engineering Hero: Ben Horwitz

Chemical Engineers are Heroes

Design of Batch Scheduling

Dynamic Modeling of Batch Reactors and Batch Distillation

Embedding Rigorous Heat Exchanger Modeling with CHEMCAD

Estimating Simulation Parameters for Batch Columns

Getting the Most Value From CHEMCAD

Guidelines for Dynamic Modeling of Column Startup

Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillation

Hybrid Simulation of Dynamic Systems

Leverage Dynamic Process Simulation

Loop Industries Case Study

Modeling a Vessel Reactor in CHEMCAD

Modeling Aqueous Electrolyte Systems Using CHEMCAD

Modeling Mass Transfer in Distillation Columns Using CHEMCAD

Modeling of Polymerization Reactions Using CC-ReACS

Modeling Utilities in CHEMCAD

Performing Chemical Process Optimization in CHEMCAD

Piping Workbook

Power Plant Carbon Capture with CHEMCAD

Predicting Distribution of Ethoxylation Homologues with CHEMCAD

Process Modeling and Control of Batch Reactors in the Chemicals Industry

Process Modeling and Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

Quickly Making Property Calculations in CHEMCAD

Relief and Blowdown in Batch Processes

Residue Curve Mapping

Selection of Thermodynamic Methods

Simulation Best Practices with CHEMCAD and Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Supercritical Solvent Extraction of Hemp Oil with CHEMCAD NXT

Using CHEMCAD for Environmental Point-source Emission Calculations

Using CHEMCAD for Piping Network Design and Analysis

Using CHEMCAD To Calculate Flow Rate As a Function Of Pressure

Using CHEMCAD to Solve EPA Air Emission Problems: Estimating Emissions While Charging Solvents to an Empty Vessel


ChemCad Dynamics: Stripping Biogas Permeate: Process Design and Start-up Study (PDF )

Production of Gasoline and Diesel from Biomass via Fast Pyrolysis, Hydrotreating and Hydrocracking: A Design Case (PDF 3 M)

Catalytic Hydrothermal Gasification (PDF )

Mixed Alcohol Synthesis Catalyst Screening

Municipal Solid Waste(MSW) to

Analysis of the Effects of Compositional and Configurational ...

Carbon Capture

Economic Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration Technologies
Task 4, Biomass Gasification-Based Processing (265.59 KB)


Sustainable Engineering and CO2 Capture with CHEMCAD

CHEMCAD NXT Essentials

Introducción a ChemCad


Please call for further information

R.C. Costello & Assoc., Inc.
1611 S. Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 302
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Tel: (310) 792-5870, Fax: (310) 792-5877
E-MAIL: rcca[at]


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