Methanol contamination in your amine system can lead to performance problems in your amine system as it builds up. Methanol is commonly injected down hole in natural gas wells to prevent the formation of methane clathrates (hydrates) in natural gas wells. Hydrates Methane clathrates (hydrates) typically form during natural gas production. As liquid water condenses in … [Read more...]
Pipeflow 3.0 – A Pressure Drop Calculator
Pipeflow 3.0 pressure drop is a simple spreadsheet program that calculates pressure drop per 100 ft of pipe. This is very useful to plant personnel because it requires only six inputs. They are nominal pipe diameter in inches, pipe schedule, flow rate in gal/min, liquid viscosity in cP, density in lb/gal and pipe absolute roughness in feet. There is no need to look up … [Read more...]
Why Reciprocating Compressors Fail
Large reciprocating compressors in the petrochemical, refining and natural gas plants can fail for a number of reasons. The paper will give a brief overview on why this happens. The GPSA Data Book provides this summary: “Reciprocating compressors should be supplied with clean gas as they cannot satisfactorily handle liquids and solid particles that may be entrained in the … [Read more...]
The Advantages of the Advanced Phytonics Extraction Systems
The Advanced Phytonics Extraction technology is an alternative to supercritical carbon dioxide and organic solvents extractions. It is difficult to choose an extraction system if you’re unsure of what you need. Fortunately, compound extraction is not only science, but a certain art lies with it as well. Extracting compounds for specialty chemicals, pharmaceutical or … [Read more...]
Batch vs. Continuous Distillation
Choosing the right distillation method is a highly important decision. However, if you’re not familiar with the two (2) types of distillation processes, making this choice can be difficult without good information. Typically, there are two types of distillation processes that you could choose: batch or continuous. Because both of these methods have their inherent strengths and … [Read more...]