Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a common but dangerous compound that is often found in natural gas wells. When the concentration of H2S exceeds 5.7 milligrams/m3, the gas stream is referred to as Sour Gas. This gas must be treated before it can be used in pipelines or plants. Hydrogen sulfide is particularly dangerous, as it is toxic at low levels. The gas has a characteristic … [Read more...]
Do You Have Methanol Contamination In Your Amine System?
Methanol contamination in your amine system can lead to performance problems in your amine system as it builds up. Methanol is commonly injected down hole in natural gas wells to prevent the formation of methane clathrates (hydrates) in natural gas wells. Hydrates Methane clathrates (hydrates) typically form during natural gas production. As liquid water condenses in … [Read more...]
California’s New Regulations for Oil Refineries
In response to the fire and chemical release at Chevron’s Richmond Refinery in August of 2012 the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB), California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA), Office of Emergencies Services and California EPA began looking at the conditions of refineries across the state. … [Read more...]
Skid Mounted Process Plants
Are you thinking of adding capacity to an existing facility or adding a new process plant to your site? Then you should consider having a skid mounted process plant designed for you by COSTELLO. Skid mounted process plants have several benefits over other (stick built) types of process plants. Taking advantage of them can not only help you save money but also improve your site … [Read more...]
Can You Continue to Flare Natural Gas in the Bakken & Eagle Ford?
What to do with all of that natural gas that accompanies the shale oil has long been a problem for gas producers. Unfortunately, one of the most common practices, flaring, looks like it might not be an option for those producers in North Dakota and Texas for much longer. While collecting, refining and transporting that natural gas has always been an expensive prospect, it … [Read more...]