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Based on numerous site assessments, one plant design does not fit every situation. Our engineering services determine exactly what is needed for your facility.

Gasification & Pyrolysis

Gasification & Pyrolysis Plant Design

Biomass, Coal and Petroleum Coke

Choosing a gasifier can be an enormous task with the number of choices, the number of configurations and finding qualified equipment vendors. COSTELLO can guide you through the process of finding the right gasifier for your project. COSTELLO provides design of syngas purification systems from the gasifier, through sulfur cleanup, carbon dioxide removal, steam reforming and Fischer-Tropsch synthetic diesel, methanol, ethanol or other chemical products. We team up with the appropriate vendors to minimize your risk so that you have a successful project. COSTELLO can provide economic analysis of your project with financial tools that include ROI, IRR, and payback period. Plant operating costs can also be developed for your project.


Some gasifier types are shown below:


different types of gasifier


Gasifier Process Flow options are shown below:

gasifier process flow options

Similarly Costello can also support your pyrolysis projects. Please see some pyrolyzer types shown below:

different types of pyroloysis units


Pyrolyzer Process Flow options are shown below:

pyrolyzer process flow options


The Return of a Classic to Fuel Production

Biomass Derived Syngas

Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using microchannel technology and novel catalyst and microchannel reactor

Development of the Modern Fischer-Tropsch Process

Green Diesel from Biomass via Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis

Fischer-Tropsch Reactor Fed by Syngas


Please call for further information

R.C. Costello & Assoc., Inc.
1611 S. Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 302
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Tel: (310) 792-5870, Fax: (310) 792-5877
E-MAIL: rcca[at]

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